Call for papers
Remember that to send an abstract, you must enter the site and register with the role of author.
Author Guidelines
To send a paper, you should Register/Log in as Author and start the sending process.
To Register/Log in as Author
Click the option ENTER in the upper horizontal menu
If you are entering for the first time, you should choose the option Create an account, provide the requested information and tick the box Author available at the end of the page. Do not forget to enter a valid email.
To start the sending process in the first stage: ABSTRACT
If you have an Author account, you should enter/log in using your name and password. The first time you log in, the system will take you to the site “My folder” where your role as Author appears, together with the amount of papers sent (# In Process) and the option to click New sending process.
From this point, you will continue in order to follow the basic steps:
1. Start the sending process:
Select Topics, suggesting the mode of presentation, confirm compliance with the requirements of the original, accept the terms of copyright.
Save and continue.
2. Enter the sending process information
Choose the form language to be used
Enter the author’s or co-authors’ data; write the title and the abstract of the paper up to 250 words.
Take into account that the Abstract is structured and that the headings are Introduction, Objectives, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. If you do not write the Abstract directly, but you decide instead to copy it from another source and paste it into the text box, do not do so from a Word Processor such as Microsoft Word, but use a basic program for editing texts such as Note pad.
Save and continue
Do not forget to include the co-authors in the option Add Author; their omission will make invalid their inclusion in the participation certificate.
If you want to send a new Abstract, you should start clicking the option New sending process.
To finish, click the option End the sending process.
Submissions for this conference were closed on 2017-02-26.